News from WIN NRW.Afrika

Start-up delegation zurück in Ghana

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Die ghanaische Delegation des WIN.NRW.Afrika Programms ist Ende November nach Abschluss eines erfolgreichen Programms zurückgeflogen. Wir blicken zurück auf zwei intensive Monate in denen die Delegation wertvolle Einblicke in die deutsche Business-Kultur erlangen hat. Die Delegation konnte ihr professionelles Netzwerk erweitern und den Grundstein für langfristige Kooperationen mit Partnern in Deutschland legen. (11.12.2024)

Pitch Event in Duisburg!

On November 7th we are organizing a pitch event in Duisburg. Come along for the pitches, good food and a few drinks. The event will take place at Krankikom in Duisburg, Calaisplatz 5. Register under this link: Ghana trifft NRW: Pitch-Event mit jungen Unternehmern aus Ghana – Niederrheinische IHK. (31.10.2024)

Start-up Delegation in NRw

A delegation of 10 start-up founders from Ghana has arrived in North Rhine-Westphalia to network intensively with local companies and further develop their business models over the next two months. Through workshops, company visits and networking events, the founders will gain valuable insights into the German market and build targeted partnerships. The program promotes knowledge exchange and strengthens German-Ghanaian cooperation in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation. (02.10.2024)

Founders in Accra

NRW companies in Ghana! Six entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia are part of WIN NRW.Africa to open up new business opportunities in Ghana. Whether green cities, sustainable agriculture or medical technology - these exciting sectors could take German-Ghanaian economic relations to a new level! Which deals will be concluded? What does this mean for the future of the two countries?

It's a Wrap!

Thanks to David Rotimi

‘Innovation Made in Nigeria': The program in Lagos has been successfully completed. Listen to the entrepreneurs in the linked video: Innovation Made in Nigeria.

Detechgene in the akzente report!

Copyright Detechgene Gmbh

The ‘WIN NRW.Africa’ exchange programme opens doors to new markets in Nigeria for German start-ups. Young founders, such as the Detechgene team, use the opportunity to meet local experts, understand legal hurdles and adapt their business models. These hands-on experiences provide valuable insights for entering African growth markets. Learn more here. (14.08.2024)

Nigerian Start-Ups in NRW

Copyright Deniss Kacs

The ‘WIN NRW.Africa’ exchange programme brings start-ups from North Rhine-Westphalia and Nigeria together to learn from each other and develop joint innovation projects. Read about two of the promising start-ups in the akzente report here! (20.06.2024)

Message from Lagos

Copyright Theophane Dima

Finally arrived in Lagos! The start-up founders are visiting GIZ in Lagos to present innovative ideas and new business models. The city is buzzing with energy and the initial talks with local partners promise exciting collaborations. Lagos is not only the economic heart of Nigeria, but also an up-and-coming centre for technological innovation.

Welcome in Germany!

Copyright Reagan Rowland

Nigerian start-up founders are in NRW! They are finally here to spend two months familiarising themselves with the German market, meeting important investors and forging strategic partnerships. Workshops and networking events will give them valuable insights into new business opportunities. This intensive time could be the starting signal for exciting German-Nigerian cooperation in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.


We are looking for start up hubs, multipliers and investors in NRW who are interested in an exchange with participants from Nigeria. The stay of the Nigerian participants in NRW lasts from early March to the end of April. If you are interested, please contact Fabian


The application phase for startups, founders, hubs, and incubators from NRW for a stay in Nigeria has begun. The application deadline is January 31, 2024. For information on how to apply click here: Application


The application phase for startups, founders, hubs, and incubators from Nigeria for a stay in NRW has begun. The application deadline is January 15, 2024. For information on how to apply click here: Application

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